I finally caught this band again--and in much better light this time! You can learn all there is to know about them from their page on STL Punk... Okay maybe not everything, but you can download a couple of MP3s and find out when they are playing out again so you can go see them yourself or get in contact with them so you can book them for your wedding or funeral or whatever. I know that they are working on their debut record to be released on the newly formed local label, Big Muddy Records.Download the QuickTime version of this movie.Need something to watch on your new video iPod? Try subscribing to this site! It's free! You can subscribe to it via iTunes and have the new videos I post here downloaded to your computer automagically. It's kind of a new fangled way of doing things but try it! You'll like it! If you don't have or like iTunes try one of the handy programs that I've linked to in the sidebar. I recommend FireAnt. Use these links to subcribe to this video podcast via itunes with one click:

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#51 The Primate Five!


#48 Art Chantry