Tight Pants Syndrome (Lo-Fi Session)

For this session we returned to the Architecture Hall at City Museum with the power pop collective known as Tight Pants Syndrome who have been on my short list for a while for a session. And finally after several scheduling snafu's we finally got it together to shoot this session.If you are familiar with Tight Pants Syndrome you know that they make wonderfully slick poppy rock-n-roll that's not quite sweet enough to fall into the bubble gum category but really fun and lively none the less. Their music has been featured in the soundtrack of A. (Anonymous) by Daniel Bowers and they have garnered several awards and accolades over the year for their delivery of tight pop hooks.This was one of the quickest sessions we have shot yet, the band set up and started cranking out song after song we mostly had to just pick a moment and start recording. They perform acoustic versions of three original songs in this video: Calling Panther Lake, Your Buzz is Safe with Me Tonight, and Telephone. If you like these tracks be sure to check out their most recent release Fully Active (itunes link) or one of their earlier releases. Also thanks to our intern Trent Hover for doing the booking on this session.

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