Things are hoppin' on Cherokee Street

Apop RecordsSo far in the last two weeks I've spent part of two different weekends on Cherokee Street. Something really cool is happening down there. I think it's been brewing under the surface for a while, but in the last couple of years it's really bloomed. My pal (and sometime contributer to Lo-Fi) Steve Smith has been wanting to open another bar on Cherokee for a while, but the peculiar oddities of St. Louis Liquor politics have been blocking him for some time. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.So here I provide you with photographic evidence of Cheorkee's revival. Most of these photos are from the new little punk rock thrift and nick-nack shop Binge & Purge taken at their grand opening two weeks ago, and at Firecracker Press photographed this weekend during the Cherokee Street Open House event.Oops! I seem to be having an issue with one of my photo gallery plugins, so ... until I get this fixed go check out the Album on FlickrFixed![nggallery id=6]


#237 Hooten Hallers


#236 Bob Reuter's Alley Ghost