The Skekses "Lonely Cowgirl" (Lo-Fi Cherokee)

The Skekses performing Lonely Cowgirl at Cherokee Street Bikes. The Skekses were one of the bands that we knew very little about but were very pleasantly surprised by their performance. We're looking forward to hearing more from them in the future. They have an EP expected out in June entitled "Curse My Name". Learn more about them here.We shot this in Cherokee Street Bikes where I'm sure you can find a deal on a nice ride or get yers fixed.Audio recorded and mixed by Matt Giant.This is number five of fourteen music videos we shot on April 7th in St. Louis on Cherokee street. We'll be posting them every Tuesday and Thursday for the next few weeks. Full project credits here.


Warm Jets USA "Anesthesia" (Lo-Fi Cherokee)


Dots Not Feathers - "Mountain" (Show Me Shows)