Schlafly's beers for the election season

Photo by Steve SmithI really do have some more videos in the works, in fact one about Mark Vickroid and his fabulously, lo-fi, handmade cigarbox guitars will be up before the end of the week. So just hold yer horses ...Anyway I'd like to welcome Steven Fitzpatrick Smith to Lo-Fi Saint Louis, as the first person to ever post anything here besides myself. I should have written the introductory post myself but he beat me too it. He has an obligation to MTV until the end of the election season so you won't see a ton of postings from him until later in November.Baracktoberfest shirt designPalin Ale shirt designAnd speaking of elections, our favorite Microbrewery, Schlafly has released some special brews in honor of our major party candidates. Actually this ties in with Steve too, because he serves these at his pub as well. They've released 4 beers (probably just labels actually) one for each candidate and his running mate (it should be obvious whose who) Baracktoberfest, Palin Ale, HefeBiden, and McCains Maverick APA Ale.And they also have t-shirts for sale with these designs.Anyway did I ever mention that Schlafly is my favorite microbrewery ever?You can get the shirts here.Also STLhops (great St. Louis based beer blog) has some photos of some of the related posters Schlafly had made as well [link].


#231 Mr. Vickroid's Cigar Box Guitars


Greetings and salutations