Sample Track: Helium Tapes - Early Days [FREE MUSIC]

album artThe Helium Tapes [myspace page link] have finally released their first CD that they, as near as I can tell, have been working on since they formed. It's not that they've been working on it for 3 years it's just that several unexpected calamitous events prevented them from getting it out before now. And according to the band they are nearly ready to go in to the studio and record again, so maybe we'll see something new from them in the next few months too. But for now their self-titled debut is ready to be purchased from multiple vendors--just search for it at your favorite online music emporium and it should be available. Better yet go see them this weekend and buy a copy from the band themselves [follow this link for show details].Anyway as a bonus here is one of my favorite songs on the record, a bouncy reggae flavored number called early days, enjoy!Helium Tapes - Early DaysYou can preview and purchase mp3's or buy the entire album from Amazon here:


#230 The Helium Tapes


Experiential Auction at the Atomic Cowboy this weekend ...