Rough Shop "Ripped Upholstery Blues" (Lo-Fi Cherokee)

Rough Shop performing their song "Ripped Upholstery Blues" at Mud House on Cherokee. Rough Shop plays old timey Blue Grass the kind you might like to enjoy at a really great back yard bbq. They've been around a couple of years and they have a few discs of originals out.Mud House has become an institution on Cherokee with great coffee and really excellent food with even better service. They're normally packed on the weekends which is why we scheduled this shoot for the end of the day. On top of it all it's run by really nice folks, but then again that's the case with all of the businesses we visited in this series.So we are sorry to say that this will be the last of the Lo-Fi Cherokee series for now. Wait ... we know, we promised fourteen videos. And it's with great regret that we have to say we lost one. A casualty of a series of unfortunate events caused us to have to nix the video we shot of Union Tree Review at Nebula coworking. Sad I know, and it was nobodies fault but out own. The band performed like champs and the venue was very acomodating, but we had some technical errors that weren't discovered until it was too late that caused us to pull the plug on that video. We're sorry. We'll catch up again with UTR again soon, no doubt.So we'll be taking a little break for a bit to work on some other things and plan the next adventure. Follow us on Twitter and/or Facebook to keep track of us. There's also the mailing list (see the sidebar) and the RSS feed too if you like to do it old school. Thanks for watching and watch for a survey we'll put up here in the next few days that will solicit your feedback on this series. And in case you're wondering; yes we plan to do this again. Stay tuned.

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Coming Soon! Lo-Fi Cherokee 2013


The Union Electric "St. Francis of Illinois" (Lo-Fi Cherokee)