Magnolia Summer

I know It's been way too long since I posted one of these. I haven't lost interest in this project, it's just that life gets in the way of these things you know?Chris Grabau is one of these people that I've heard about over the years that I've lived in St. Louis, but hadn't had the chance to meet until about a year ago. Aparently he's heard and known about me too so it was probably just a matter of time before we met. Anyway I knew early on that his band Magnolia Summer was one of the many bands around town that I definitely wanted to do a session with. Chris was certainly interested in doing one too, but it just took us a few months to get it together. And unfortunately due to all of these little issues popping up here and there this video is only now getting published nearly a full 2 months since we produced it on one wet but sunny afternoon in July.Honestly I don't think we could have picked better weather for this shoot. It had only just stopped raining when we started shooting so everything was wet and the sun came out only to begin it's decent in the west behind them. It sure made for some pretty imaging to go along with some pretty music. And the little left over raindrops you see in the video made for some nice accidental metaphors here and there.We recorded this in a timber structure on the giant out door jungle gym/junk sculpture that is called Monstrocity at City Museum. It would be hard to describe this amazingly beautiful mish-mash of scrap iron and other things, so hopefully someday you will be able to see it for yourself.


Turner's Nite Club [Urban Exploration]


#230 The Helium Tapes