Lo-Fi Cherokee Premiere Party

lo-fi-cherokee-finalWow we have been terrible about keeping this site up to date haven't we? Well here is the info on the big party tonight.This is a red carpet event with lots of great things including complimentary beverages. We'll be screening the eighteen live performance videos we made on April 11th.Here are a list of acts we shot this year:See premiere videos from:Grace BasementWhoa ThunderTrauma HarnessAdria NicoleThe Pat Sajak AssassinsIrene Allenlast to show first to goDavid Surkamp and Sara SurkampBlank Generation18andCountingRiver KittensIllphonicsLizzie WeberBrother Lee & the Leather JackalsCrazy XXX GirlfriendThe Maness BrothersYowieSO MANY DYNAMOSThe (21 and over) party starts at 8PM and is at 3457 S. Jefferson ave, st. louis mo, which is a fomer church (a very cool old building built in 1888). Tickets and seating is limited. But if you can't get in at 8pm we will do a second screening around 10:30 so feel free to come later if we are at capacity for the earlier screening.Buy advance tickets here ($5.00 Cheap!)


Grace Basement -- "Summertime is Coming"


Lo-Fi Cherokee 2015 Schedule