Interview with Jason Hutto, PLUS! Free Music! [Audio Podcast]

The Phonocaptors playing their reunion show last month at DeluxeDownload podcast here or jump to the bottom of this post and listen by clicking the play button on the flash player. This is something new for me and Lo-Fi Saint Louis, it's an audio podcast. I have been wanting to do this for a while but never really got things together enough to try it until now. I'm not sure if this will be a regular thing or not. So if you like this and would like for me to do more please let me know in the comments.This podcast is pretty much just an interview with a musician named Jason Hutto. If you don't know who he his I hope you stick around and find out. The thumbnail version is that he's one of the most talented guitarist and songwriter, you've probably never heard of. He's played in at least a half a dozen bands in St. Louis in the last decade but is probably best known for his band the Phonocaptors which still has a loyal fan base even though the band officially broke up nearly 4 years ago. They recently played a one off reunion show at Deluxe in Maplewood Missouri to a packed house of old fans who sang along with every song.Click to download Call It What You Want by The PhonocaptorsClick to download the Walkie Talkie USA 8 Song DemoNow one more thing that I need to tell you before we get into the interview is that Jason has given me permission to give away, that means free folks, the Phonocaptors entire last album as well as the 8 song Demo for Jason's followup project called Walkie Talkie USA. So that's 18 tracks of great music for you to enjoy courtesy of Jason Hutto. And he said please share this stuff with your friends. These are zip files to make them a little more modular to download, and in each zip is a text file that says exactly how you can share this music. (It basically boils down to share with your friends but don't resell it and don't use it for commercial purposes without permission).We talk about this music and more in this first audio podcast from Lo-Fi Saint Louis. Enjoy.[nggallery id=7]


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