#195 So Many Dynamos

You might remember a video of a band that I posted a few weeks ago called Thor Axe and at the time I mentioned that some of the members were in another band called So Many Dynamos. Well I finally caught a performance form So Many Dynamos last weekend. They're getting ready to start a national tour soon so check their myspace page to see if they are coming to your town soon.If you want to know more about the band, you can read about them in the Riverfront Times where Annie Zaleski wrote extensively about them recently.Also my 200th episode is coming up quick! I'm currently accepting promotional congratulatory videos to use in that episode. Make a video less than 15 seconds, upload it somewhere and tell me where to find it and I'll put it in episode 200 (maybe).


#196 Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School


#194 Th' Legendary Shack*Shakers