#130 The Chouteau Showdown/New Arch Promo

Peat Wollaeger, Justin Tolintino, Cbabi Bayoc, Brian Walsh, Dave Langley, Porous Walker.I made a new version of an old promo.Update [5-6-2009] Somehow this episode was lost, I finally found the master and was able to restore the Chouteau Showdown portion of the video but not the Arch Promo. Sorry!Also December 22 A Very Merry Christmas Spectacular at Off Broadway with Walkie Talkie USA, Gentleman Auction House, and Elsinore.Also my friend Markus Sandy and also Chuck Olsen have tagged me in this little online game where I have to reveal 5 things about myself. Here goes:1. I was a horrible student until I went to college. When I got to college I made all A's and B's.2. I joined the Air Force when I was 17, and was honorably discharged, and I got a good conduct medal even though I got a severe reprimand my first year in the service.3. I have a pair of "Sponge Bob" boxer shorts and they are my favorite pair of underwear.4. I drive a mini-van, AND LIKE IT!5. Untill I was about 21 I was a conservative Republican, I am now a proud Liberal Democrat.(one of the above may be a complete lie!)Now I'm tagging, Erik, Deirdre, Paul, Susan, and Kelly.


#63 The Highway Matrons - Got the Blues for Xmas


LO-FI SAINT LOUIS (the gateway arch promo)