Dear Genre

So a few months ago we got an email from a young musician named André with a link to some videos that he had posted on Youtube. Normally we ignore unsolicited contacts like this but there was something about this guys video that really made us take a second look--he had great energy and enthusiasm if not some musical chops. So we sent him a message to see if he was interested in doing a session for Lo-Fi Saint Louis.After a bit of back and forth for a few months working out some scheduling bugs we finally got together on a really nice warm evening at City Museum. We were mistakenly under the impression that this was a solo act but André brought a four piece band with him--a project he calls Dear Genre. Since the weather was so nice we made our way up to the very top of the roof near the giant praying mantis sculpture.This really is a first for us, bringing a relatively unknown and very new band in for a session, and that's not a bad thing. We love to discover new talent when we can--which is not something that's so easily done believe it or not. And if André keeps up his work ethic and enthusiasm he should have a bright career ahead of him. Dear Genre on Facebook and on MySpace.

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#248 The Blind Eyes


Kid Congo Powers Pt 1