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Uptown vs. Downtown

Hi, Lofi. I am Lori. I'll be writing here on the Lofi St. Louis blog here and there. Damn glad to meet you. I'm sure i'll have a bio sometime soon, but there are more important and interesting fish to fry right now!For example: There's a crazy debate happening tonight.In approx. 4 hours, St. Louis will finally remember some things... that it has neighborhoods, and that they should be friendly AND competitive, all this via a local watering hole's weekly Arguments & Grievances debates. I don't know about you, but I've been to a fair amount of Uptown/Downtown theme parties in my time, and if this is anything like those...it will be pretty much amazing.Only instead of expressing our love/disdain for the uppity/gritty part of town via pointy accessories and the occasional tennis sweater --- it's expressed in words! How eloquent and old school.Uptown = the Central West End. It's lovely. It's a little uppity, and slightly pastel.Downtown = The South Side. It's lovely, too. There are more tattoos.Thankfully, I'm not doing the arguing -- but Mr. Brennan of Brennan's and Mr. Smith of The Royale will be. It promises to be most rambunctious and most likely, slightly educational. I'm sure we'll here some mentioning of music venues you've seen (the majority of which are located on the South Side...can you say leverage!?) here on LoFi STL.Put up your dukes, it's time for some friendly neighborhood competition.I'll be reporting back.