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Turner's Nite Club [Urban Exploration]

I've been kind of fascinated with the St. Louis Flyer Project on Flickr. Of course, looking at these old flyers doesn't really bring back many memories for me since I wasn't living in St. Louis at the time. But they are curious since they are clues as to what the Rock'n'Roll Scene was like here back in the '80s. Most of the clubs and halls listed on these flyers don't exist anymore, and one in particular caught my eye; Turner's Nite Club. It was this flyer of their February 1986 calendar that piqued my interest, mainly because of the map that showed its location, namely on Salisbury near Hyde Park on city's north side:Turners Nite Club Calendar from February 1986Here is another flyer for the place, probably from the same period:Imagine seeing this show for only $6!! Now to know why this is interesting to me one might need to understand that St. Louis has a long history of being pretty segregated--not unlike a lot of cities. Where different parts of town are known as the domain of different races. The north side in St. Louis is known as the "black" part of town. So knowing the racist attitudes of some white people in St. Louis, I found it curious that back in the '80s there was a Rock'n'Roll venue frequented by mostly white kids on the north side. So recently I thought I'd go see if this place was still standing, and discovered (not surprisingly) ruble. Apparently Turner's Hall suffered a fire in recent years and burned down--but not all the way. From what I hear it was a fairly large venue, and when I saw it I could tell that it was. It seems to have been a repurposed gymnasium building of some sort. Anyway I took these photos on my visit.North side 97.jpgAbout a block away I met this guy who was selling his home made cookies on a nearby corner. He was very personable but too young to remember Turners. His name is Sim and I included a couple of photos of him here, his cookies are awesome, BTW.If you have any memories of this place please post them in the comments. I really know little more than what I've related here.[gallery=4]