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There's a St. Louis connection in the new Jack White video, But if you blink you'll miss it!

jackwhite_embieThis is the new Jack White video released in support of the song  Lazaretto, on the album of the same name.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI-95cTMeLMIn it you'll see a pretty unique guitar that has a part built by a new St. Louis company that was founded to make cool guitar parts. Founded by Rum Drum Ramblers member Mat Wilson and his dad,  Embie concepts released their first product, "the Embiematic," a guitar bridge, about two years ago. We don't know all the geeky details that go into what can make a guitar bridge special, but they do, and they were able to present Jack White with a personalized model a few months ago. Jack seems to approve since he's using it on the bad-ass rig that appears in the video. So there you have it, St. Louis has contributed in some small way to the new Jack White video. If you missed it here is what an Embiematic looks like. Followed by some captures from the Lazaretto video.