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#51 The Primate Five!

Sometimes people send me stuff to post. I like to oblige. So here is another submission. The song "1234567APE!" from low-budget garage rockers the Primate Five from Seattle. I don't think they've ever played in STL... but I hope they will someday. I think it's a pretty good video to put up on Halloween weekend. You can find out all there is to know about the Primate Five from their Web site here.Download the Quicktime version of this video here.Need something to watch on your new video iPod for Free!! Try subscribing to this site! It's free! You can subscribe to it via iTunes and have the new videos I post here downloaded to your computer automagically. It's kind of a new fangled way of doing things but try it! You'll like it! If you don't have or like iTunes try one of the handy programs that I've linked to in the sidebar. I recommend FireAnt. Use these links to subcribe to this video podcast via itunes with one click:

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