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Americana and Country Edition Pt 1

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This edition of the Podcast features some of the Americana and Country acts that submitted. So this is part one.Here is the episode playlist:Beth Bombara - "Map and No Direction" Cara Louise Band - "South City Anthem"High Fashion Kings - "Sultana"Hillary Fitz Band - "It ain’t me"Jon Bonham - "Evening Stars"Les Gruff and the Billy Goat - "Punched Your Ticket" Melody Den - "Lovely Lie"Mt. Thelonious - "Word Grenades"Nick Gusman and The Last Minute Men - "Part time Man"Oak Steal & lightning - "Lonesome whipperwhill"Prairie Rehab - "Not that strong"River Despair - "Crooked Creek"Featuring music from artists that have submitted their music for consideration for Lo-Fi Cherokee. An annual event where we shoot 18 live performance music videos in one day on Cherokee Street in St. Louis.