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Greetings and salutations

My name is Steven Smith. Steven Fitzpatrick Smith is how I usually sign for the name is rather forgettable. I have a blog of my own, STLstreets.com for about four or so years now. I have also been blogging for MTV for the past year covering politics in the state of Missouri. I have done many other projects over the years from training fighters and staging boxing matches to writing to production various of video and film projects. I also own a tavern called the Royale located on the southside of Saint Louis. Becoming a tavernkeeper has changed my life dramatically for now I live above a public business in which hundreds of people tromp through every day. It is great really, but I do not have any privacy at all, but well, it could be far worse.  There is more to tell sure, but this site about the content, not my bio.Bill Streeter, the man behind the mighty force of LofiSTL asked me to hook up on this project. I am honored to be associated with such a high quality content site, but I cannot promise to deliver anything of the same caliber. I plan on this site being my first and main outlet for my independent content. I will post up some interesting observations, stories, rough video and information all around.I am still writing for MTV through the election, so my posting will be sparse at best. I plan on taking it easy on the writing and video editing for a few weeks afterwards, but then I will be going full throttle again on some new independent video and writing work around the holidays.httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t29fgA5M7VASo for the time being I will post up some interesting links that I have found.This is an amazing video of koyaanisqatsi of Pruitt Igoe. I hope at some point to do video that is at least a shadow of this scope. I am not sure I am quite skilled or artistic enough, but I will enjoy trying to do it.Here is another video of Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO speaking to Union members on race and the Presidential election.  I am not sure this is enough, for I have had a ton of experience with Union guys, but it is a powerful speech.httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QIGJTHdH50