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#161 Gore Gore Girls

I got a chance to catch this amazing group from Detroit at the Atomic Cowboy in St. Louis a couple of weeks ago. This blurb from their official press release does a good job of describing what they are all about:"Gore Gore Girls are a musical meeting of the Stooges and The Ronettes. The Gals of Gore deliver what other contemporaries can't: a powerful, girl-group sound you can rock out AND dance to. An R&B and punk rock union made in heaven! Gore Gore Girls' simple, straight-forward take on hip shakin' rock-nroll numbers with low-fi sensibility makes them noteworthy and original. Influenced by equal parts Kinks, Stooges, Marvelettes and some down home dirty love, Gore Gore Girls know how to deliver caustic yet sweet pop numbers in an original girl-group style.Gore Gore Girls 2004 is guitarist/songwriter and lead vocalist Amy Surdu, ghost-of-Keith Moon Nikki Styxx on drums, charm school reject Marlene Hammerle on guitar and beauty pageant runner-up Jen 'The Deuce' Pirch on bass. Four girls from Detroit with a penchant for Rock n Roll and an obsession with B-movie culture …"